Understanding a foreign culture

Living in a multicultural society is great. You should be open to learning about other cultures. There are several ways to do it, but the main thing is to remember we are all human beings trying to do the best that we can.

This could help you if:

  • You are open to cultural differences
  • Learn how to understand cultural difference
  • You would like to be able talk to people of all backgrounds.

What does “cultural awareness” mean?

Cultural awareness, also known simply as cultural sensitivity or cultural awareness, refers to the awareness of cultural differences and similarities. However, it is not about judging people. Being non-judgemental allows you to be open to cultural differences and not judge them.

This doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in another culture. It simply means being open to learning and asking questions, as opposed to reacting to everything you disagree with.

Why is cultural awareness important

Australia is multicultural. This means many traditions and peoples from different countries and cultures are visible and celebrated. You will likely meet many people, and you’ll experience many new situations.

It’s possible to make more meaningful connections with your fellow citizens by having a better understanding of other cultures. You are building respect and empathy for others and celebrating your differences. This makes it less likely for you to treat people differently if they are different from you in any way.

Methods to foster cultural understanding.

It can be easy for people to remain loyal to what they know and avoid trying to learn from others. However, being open to cultural differences and actively trying to accept them can open doors to new opportunities. Here’s some advice:

Get self-aware

You can identify your own beliefs and values as well as personal biases. This includes biases based on your own cultural background.

Yes, it can seem overwhelming. But you can begin to think about the impact of these traits on how you approach and understand differences.

You might try:Think of the assumptions you make regarding your friends, colleagues and people you work with, as well as strangers you encounter walking down the street. What assumptions make you about people coming from the same backgrounds as you?

Talk to someone from another cultural background

Make an effort to get to understand someone from a different background. You don’t always have to ask the person about their culture. However, by getting to understand them as a friend/peer, you can learn more about what they do and how they live. Simply being curious can make a difference.

This is a good idea: Have some fun with someone you know, a friend or coworker. It’s important to treat them with respect and to not view them as just another way to learn about different cultures.

These sites will help you find an international penpal. If you’re learning a foreign language, this is an excellent way to practice your skills.


To live and learn from other cultures, it is the best way to do so. It may be time-consuming to save money for a trip overseas, but it is worth it to experience new cultures.

Be more understanding

Sometimes, understanding cultural differences can be difficult. In such situations, it is best to just acknowledge the differences and to accept them. Acceptance does not require you to be able to understand or even agree with the person.

Culturally, different and with diverse opinions

Even if a certain culture is mentioned, it’s important that you realize that not everyone from this particular culture believes the same things. As different cultures have different beliefs, so are people from different backgrounds.

Don’t limit yourself to stereotypes

The greatest obstacle to understanding cultural differences and making judgments based upon one opinion is the most difficult. You can do your research and learn more about people than you would if you were to make general assessments. Stereotyping people based on different cultural backgrounds can adversely affect their quality of living and opportunities.

Everyone is different

The most important thing to remember is that each person has their own unique beliefs, habits, and way of living, regardless their cultural background. The easier it is to understand and accept cultural differences the sooner you accept them.